Unlock the Power of SEO with ChatGPT: 10 Prompts to Help You Get Started
"Prompt: Identify 10 SEO keywords related to [topic]".
"Create a list of 5 SEO keywords related to this product description [product description]."
"Provide a list of 5 frequently asked questions in relation to [Keyword]."
"Discover the top 5 SEO keyword strategies for [topic]"
"Organize the search intent (informational, commercial or transactional) for these keywords in a table: [keywords]"
"Cluster the following keywords (add a core topic for each group) based on their semantic relevance: [keywords]"
"Generate attention-grabbing blog post titles related to the following list of SEO keywords: [keywords]"
"Generate five blog post title ideas that are specific to [audience] and pertain to the keyword [keyword]"
"Revise the blog post title [title] to be more attention-grabbing."
"Write 3 examples of alternative blog post titles with higher CTR for [topic]."